Tag Archives: PR

The Social Explorer: Microsoft PR Disaster

18 May

Proof that not all PR is good PR…!

I watched the following video waiting the entire time for the punchline. It never came. Computer giant Microsoft have got it wrong once again and in my opinion, the marketing person in charge over there needs to go. Yes, I have shared this video to my entire address book and yes I’ve posted it on my Facebook (and now my blog too…!) BUT I send with a ‘you won’t believe that this is serious’ or ‘Microsoft done it again’ – not all PR is good PR!

Now you’ve watched it you might understand what I mean about the punchline (sorry for wasting 6 minutes of your time – click here to get it back) It certainly doesn’t inspire me to host a Windows party and definitely doesn’t make me want to invest in another Microsoft Windows update. Infact it leaves me feeling pretty happy that I own so many Apple products – happy that I feel so far removed from what has become a very uncool brand. If Microsoft was a person, he’d be a confused, socially awkward elderly man…perhaps a person that you feel you must say hello to at a party (if he was there) because you know it’d brighten up his day. Sounds like this guy.

So what would I do if I was in their marketing department? I’d look at who our customers really are, who wants to be associated with us, who NEEDS us and what we’re here for. Create and market products to these people – lets not try and cover the social leaders, professionals, creatives and their grandma…focus your efforts and reap the rewards. What’s your opinion on Microsoft in the 21st century? Think they’ll be phased out in the coming decade? Thoughts below…

– The Social Explorer